Thank you to the sponsors of this year's Charity Golf Classic

Judge Michael & Kim Hurly

Bartsch Electric


If you cannot attend our event, please consider a tax-deductible donation to the GSHS Foundation. Your support is appreciated.

  • Tournament Schedule

    8:45 - 9:15 a.m. - Registration opens

    9:15 a.m. - Tournament announcements

    9:30 a.m. - Shotgun starts

    5:15 p.m. - Awards presentation & Dinner 

  • Registration Information

    $400 (early bid $300) Per Team Gives You:

    •  Green Fees
    • Morning Donuts
    • Lunch
    • Door Prize Entry
    • Sleeve of Golf Balls
    • Tournament Souvenirs
    • Dinner
    • Carts Available for $30


    Limited to 26 Teams

    Teams must have at least one man and one woman

    Must be 21 or older 

    Additional Purchases:

    Pay-To-Play Games $40/Hole

    $160 - All 4 Pay-To-Plays for Team

    $120 - 3 Pay-To-Plays for Team

    $80 - 2 Pay-To-Plays for Team

    $40 - 1 Pay-To-Play for Team

    Mulligans $10 - Limit 2/golfer

    Mulligans allow a player to replay the shot you with with a "second chance" attempt. You must declare to the opposing team before using a Mulligan.

    Grenades $20 - Limit 12/golfer

    Grenades allows a player to pick their ball up and throw it. There is onlu one allowed per 18 holes. They must be used in legal play and it is not a penalty. A grenade canot be used once a ball is on the green. You must declare the opposing team befoe picking up the ball. 

  • Sponsors Needed

    Tournament Sponsor $1,000

    • Linked company logo on website
    • Recognized in the tournament program
    • Recognition during the opening remarks and closing awards

    Beverage Cart Sponsor $750

    • Linked company logo on website
    • Company logo applied to beverage carts

    Hole Sponsor $600

    • Linked company logo on website
    • Be one of 18 companies to have logos on Tee Boxes and Greens

    Sand Trap, Water Hazard, or Outhouse Sponsor $450

    • Linked comapany logo on website
    • Just for fun, get your company logo staked next to a Sand Trap, Water Hazard, or Outhouse

    Leaderboard Sponsor $350

    • Linked company logo on website
    • It may be a friendly competition, but nobody passes the scoring area without looking! Get your comapn logo on the leaderboard!
  • Rules of Play

    Two Flights: Determined by score. There will be prizes for first, second, and third Place winners in each flight.

    Tee Boxes: Men will use the blue tee boxes, and women will use the red tee boxes.

    Play Ready Golf: Please keep up with the group in front of you. If you get behind, take a double bogey and skip the hole.

    Double Bogey Maximum: There is a limit of two strokes over par at each hole.

    Mulligans: Each player may use one mulligan per side. Unused mulligans DO NOT carry over. Before you use a mulligan, you must declare it to the other team.

    Two Putt Maximum: Only two putts per hole are allowed.

    Gimme: If your putt is within the length of the black bottom on the flag pole, your putt is assumed to be "good". Pick up the ball and add one stroke.

    Spotting the Ball: Spot your ball on the fairway or rough within one club length. The ball may not be moved closer to the hole, from rough to fairway, or from fringe to green.

    Ties: In case of a tie, winners will be determined by the handicap holes.

    Scorekeeping: Use holes 1-9 on your scorecard before starting the back, 10-18.

    Boundaries and Water: The fence bordering the course is out of bounds. Stakes and white lines on the left side of number 3 are out of bounds (tee shot only). Water on holes 6, 8, and 9, are out of bounds.

  • Questions

    Contact GSHS Foundation Coordinator, McKayla McKay by email or by phone (701) 776-5455 ext. 2218 with any questions you may have regarding the tournament. 

Location - Rugby Country Club

Friday, July 19, 2024

Rugby Golf Club

Thank you to our golfers and sponsors for their enthusiasm and commitment, we are thrilled to announce that we raised an impressive $31,000 at this year's Charity Golf Classic!

This incredible amount will go a long way in supporting our Otto Bremer Trust - Build 2024 Capital Campaign and making a significant impact in the community.

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