Rehabilitation Services

The Heart of America Rehab and Wellness Center's approach to rehabilitation is both multidisciplinary and holistic, addressing the physical, mental, social, and vocational needs and potentials of each patient.

A physician's referral is required for rehabilitative services. For more information, please call our Cardiac and Pulmonary Coordinator (701) 776-5455, ext. 2209.

Cardiac Rehabilitation is an individualized, supervised exercise therapy and education program for people who have had heart surgery, experienced a heart attack, or have heart disease. In addition to exercise, cardiac rehab includes pharmacy, weight and stress management counseling, and cholesterol monitoring. The goal is to help patients improve or maintain cardiovascular fitness and reduce risk factors for future heart problems.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is designed to reduce pulmonary patients' respiratory symptoms and improve their quality of life. Through exercise, education, and symptom management, our goal is to help each person be the best they can be with their disease process.

A physician's referral is required to participate in these programs. For more information, please call (701) 776-5455, ext. 2263.

What is dry Needling?

Functional Dry Needling (FDN) is a safe alternative treatment for pain, muscular tightness, and spasms caused by injuries, arthritis, or musculoskeletal conditions. It is used to treat myofascial pain.

Dry needling is different from acupuncture. Although similar tools are used, dry needling is based on studied and tested practices of Western medicine and is performed by practitioners with training in pain patterns, posture, and movement impairments.

How It Works

Mechanical stimulation of the muscle produces a local twitch or rapid depolarization of muscle fibers which results in relaxation and decreased pain in the trigger point. Functional Dry Needling should not be performed as an isolated therapy, but rather as an extension of quality hands-on care available at the Heart of America Medical Center.

Trigger Points

Muscular tightness spasms can lead to knotted muscles or “trigger points.” These trigger points are very sensitive and painful to the touch, often causing pain to other parts of the body. This is known as Referred Pain. Muscular tightness spasms from overworked, stressed, or sprained muscle movement can lead to knotted muscles or trigger points.

Dry needling offers relief in the form of increased blood flow to lessen local and referred pain which, will in turn deactivate these painful trigger points.

Areas of Relief

  • Joint issues
  • Back/disc issues
  • Tendinitis
  • Migraine and tension headaches
  • Sciatica
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Athletic injuries

For more information, call (701) 776-5455, ext. 2209.

Medical nutrition therapy is an essential component of comprehensive health care. Kathy Brandt, RDN, LRD, CDCES, our registered dietician, use medical nutrition therapy to improve the health and quality of life for people with a variety of conditions and illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, pulmonary disease, and renal disease.

She also is available for consultations with pregnant women and nursing mothers and can provide information and guidance on issues related to childhood obesity.

To learn more, visit your healthcare provider or call Kathy Brandt at (701) 776-5455, ext. 2204.

The Heart of America Medical Center offers Speech, Physical, and Occupational therapy for all ages from birth and beyond. HAMC has a dedicated space to treat our youngest patients within a setting that caters specifically to their needs.

HAMC's Pediatric Room is equipped with games, swings, toys, and puzzles for all age levels. We also incorporate therapy balls, weighted blankets, trampolines, and sensory toys to make therapy sessions more enjoyable. For more information regarding a therapy screening, evaluation, or consultation, call our therapy department at (701) 776-5455, ext. 2209.

Signs of arthritis, diabetes, nerve, and circulatory disorders can all be detected in our feet, so it's important to give them proper attention.

You should be seen by a podiatrist if you have:

Foot pain of any kind.


Foot and lower-leg irregularities (including flat feet, and bow legs)

Recent or recurring foot, ankle, or lower-leg injuries.

Sores or infections.

Circulation problems.

Speech therapists from the surrounding Rugby area provide services at the Heart of America Rehabilitation and Wellness Center.

Speech-language pathologists see patients of all ages who have trouble swallowing or verbally communicating. These difficulties may be caused by congenital or developmental delays or by neurological problems such as a stroke, Parkinson's disease, ALS, traumatic brain injury, or dementia.

A physician's referral is needed to receive speech therapy services. For more information or to make an appointment, call HAMC’s Occupational Therapy department at (701) 776-5455, ext. 2499.

Our sports medicine team both treats and strives to prevent athletic injuries. We work with coaches to assist them and educate them on proper training techniques and injury treatment.

HAMC’s Sports Medicine professionals provide our professional services at school sporting events and are available for athletic injury assessments from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. 

Treatment does require a physician's referral and parental consent.

Appointment Essentials

Many of our clients are referred to us by their primary healthcare providers. To schedule an appointment, please call us at (701) 776-5455, ext. 2209.

Checking In:

All first-time patients must check in at the Heart of America Medical Center hospital registration desk. Bring your insurance card with you.

Making appointments:

After your initial visit, you can check in and make subsequent appointments at the Outpatient Wellness Center reception desk.

What to Wear:

If you are being seen for physical therapy, rehabilitation, or exercise training, please wear comfortable, loose clothing and appropriate footwear.

Patient History Forms:

You will be asked to fill out a form describing your current health concerns or injuries, how these conditions are impacting your daily life, and your current level of pain.

Summary of Each Discipline

  • Occupational Therapy

    Basic life skills such as eating and feeding, dressing, bathing, grooming, toileting, brushing teeth, tying shoes, buttoning, etc.

    Fine and visual motor and grasping skills such as grasping and releasing objects, manipulation of objects, handwriting, cutting skills, etc.

    Sensory processing and responding to information from the environment like taste, touch, smell, sound, sight, movement, and position within space. Occupational Therapy assists with self-regulation and developing the coping skills necessary to tolerate a variety of everyday situations and settings.

    Upper body strength & coordination.

    Meeting developmental milestones:

    Age 1: Purposefully using hands to grasp and release objects, pick up small objects with thumb and one finger, transfer objects between hands, eat a variety of small and/or soft foods, and pointing at objects.

    Age 2: Build a 4-block tower, turn pages in a book, self-feed with a spoon, put shapes into a shape sorter, begin to sort by shape and color, drink from a cup, and scribble on paper.

    Age 3: String large beads, snip with scissors, imitate vertical, horizontal, and circular strokes, complete inset puzzles, develop hand dominance, take clothes off, work on toilet training, wash hands, and enjoy a variety of games, activities, and interactive play.

    Age 4: Trace on thick lines, develop clear hand dominance, copy circles and crosses, use fingertip grasping pattern to hold a pencil, cut roughly around pictures, complete simple interlocking puzzles, coordinate hands to brush teeth and hair, dress independently, and ensure potty training.

    Age 5: Copy letters and numbers, write their name from memory, cut out a square, dress and use the toilet independently, draw a 6-part recognizable person, hold a pencil with a 3-fingered grasp, zip a coat, and use toilets independently.

    Age 6: Independently shower and wash, use fork and knife to cut foods, write on a line, cut skillfully, copy a sentence, draw detailed pictures, tie shoes, and form letters and numbers correctly.

  • Speech and Language Pathology

    • Delays in beginning to talk.
    • Difficulties in saying specific (e.i. L, S, K, etc.) or hard-to-understand sounds.
    • Social language difficulties related to autism.
    • Childhood apraxia of speech.
    • Help with obtaining or using a communication device.
    • Difficulties with eating or swallowing.
    • Following simple directions (i.e. get your shoes, throw this away, etc.)
    • Using at least 50 words, 
    • Putting 2-3 words together to express themselves.
  • Physical Therapy

    Developmental milestones related to posture and movement (i.e. sitting, crawling, walking, riding a bike, etc.).

    Strengthening, endurance, and muscle tone.

    Balance and motor coordination.

    Orthotics and adaptive mobility options.

    • Age 1: Rolls both ways, sitting unsupported, crawling, and pulling to stand.
    • Age 2: Walking, climbing onto furniture, pushing on non-pedal toys, and going up and down stairs.
    • Age 3: Running, jumping, and climbing in a coordinated way with minimal falling.
    • Age 4: Pedaling, alternating feet when going up or down stairs, marching, and galloping. 

Financial Assistance Eligibility Chart

Max Award: $5,000

Max Award: $10,000

Max Award: $15,000

Max Award: $20,000

Max Award: $30,000

Max Award: $50,000

Ergonomics is the science of fitting a job to a worker. Heart of America Medical Center's Work Site Ergonomics Program helps employers:

Increase workplace safety

Increase worker productivity

Decrease worker's compensation costs

We evaluate workplace design, provide job-specific ergonomics training for all employees, and develop appropriate corrective measures and enforcement policies.

We offer free consultations. 

Heart of America Medical Center also is contracted with North Dakota Workforce Safety and Insurance in their Ergonomics Initiative and Grant Programs. 

WSI’s Ergonomic Initiative Grant Program provides employers with resources, including financial assistance, to address ergonomic issues. The purpose of the program is to reduce or eliminate cumulative-type injuries at the workplace. What typically begins as minor aches or pains, if ignored, has the potential to develop into costly claims.

The initiative program needs to be completed before an employer can be eligible for a grant program.

WSI provides financial assistance for provider services under this program. WSI pays 75% of the provider fees and the employer pays 25%. The provider’s work and services will vary depending on the needs of the employer. Factors that determine the work and services include the number of employees, number of job classifications, type of work performed, and claims trends history (frequency and severity). 

The provider’s visit may include:

An ergonomic assessment to identify potential or existing problems

Ergonomic recommendations and interventions

Assistance with selecting appropriate ergonomic equipment

Ergonomic education and training

WSI provides financial assistance for an employer to purchase ergonomic equipment. The provider must recommend the equipment in the ergonomic assessment which is completed in the initiative program.

For a free ergonomic assessment or more information on the WSI Ergonomics Initiative and Grant Program: call (701) 776-5455 ext. 2209.

Therapy Outreach

The Heart of America Rehabilitation and Wellness Center has service contracts with area nursing homes, schools, correctional facilities, rural clinics, and hospitals. Our physical and occupational therapists provide outreach services in a variety of settings.

For more information on the off-site services we can provide, please call 701-776-5261 ext. 2209.

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